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Understanding Magnificat

Reviews, Interviews, Comments

The May 22, 2000 issue of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY published a Q&A with the author about this book, and her experiences writing it and having it published as an e-book. It's online; click here. The print edition of that issue featured Magnificat as its lead e-book review, with the CD-ROM cover reproduced in full color.

Read an interview with the author in LIBRARY JOURNAL online.

Background Reading

1. The official website of the Vatican.

2. A religious site with dozens of links that will be of immense interest when you have finished the book. Virtual tours of the Sistine Chapel, and much more.

3. Stevan Davies' "Gospel of Thomas Home Page" with analysis, links—more than you can imagine.

4. Seven by Nine Squares has a text of the Gospel of Thomas on the web, along with links to other Gnostic (and Many Other) resources on the web.

5. Sex and Gender Issues in the Catholic Church, primarily pro-Church positions.

6. An opposing view on gender issues, and another opposing view, and yet another opposing view of the current role of the Vatican. These will forward you to other interesting places.

Are you ready for the new millennium?

Yes, it's already here. This is the Future. Read what people thought about it:

The Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University

Where did Magnificat come from?

Ms. Yarbro has written an essay on the origins and meaning of the book.

Details of the mechanisms of a Papal election, 1903

The June 1903 issue of "London Magazine" ran a multi-page article, with fourteen illustrations, on when and how a new Pope is elected. We have converted it to HTML and rearranged the layout for the web. It is truly fascinating.

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Magnificat Background and Links page updated 1 June 2005