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In the Face of Death by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.

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Quinn Yarbro's second e-book, In the Face of Death, features Madelaine de Montalia, whom you will remember from the St.-Germain novels and her own lead role in Out of the House of Life. This is an erotic vampire historical novel, set in America in the years before and during the Civil War. Follow Ms. Montalia as she lives with and studies the native tribes of America, trying to document their culture and knowledge before they are changed unalterably by contact with the White Man ... only to find herself in the middle of some of the most horrifying events of the War ... centering on the man she has fallen in love with, one William Tecumseh Sherman.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro is the author of more than seventy books, in a wide variety of fields, published by the standard major publishing houses of America and the world. She has been the featured Guest of Honor at numerous conventions and conferences, and her works have honored many times over.

This book has never been published before, in any form. It is available exclusively as an e-book, from Hidden Knowledge.

Download version available NOW :: price $7.95 (U.S.)
CD-ROM version available NOW :: price $14.95 (U.S.)
     (plus shipping and applicable taxes)

Approximately 175,000 words. The CD-ROM comes with additional background material on the setting and the context, and some extra gifts from us to you.

You can read the first three chapters of the book for free! Download it from our web storefront at no charge, then live in miserable uncertainty until you buy the book to find out just what it all means.

In the Face of Death is available for Windows, Macintosh, Palm, and Unix/Linux computers, in Adobe eBook Reader/PDF, Palm Reader, Mobipocket, Palm DOC, HTML, and Microsoft Reader formats. The MSR version can be read in any version of the MS Reader, and the HTML is convertible for use with other hand-held readers and PDA's. For more information read our info page about formats.

As is the case for all Hidden Knowledge e-books, buying a copy from our web storefront in one format entitles you to a copy in any or all of the other formats. Further, you may copy the e-book onto a second computer or hand-held device, and/or print out a copy of the Adobe or HTML versions. You agree not to send out pirate versions or put it onto P2P networks or sell photocopies on eBay &etc. Read our notes on Buyers' Rights.

You can download it right from here, using your credit card: price $8.95 (U.S.). No shipping cost and no taxes!

Or you can use your credit card to buy the CD-ROM version from our storefront; you pay shipping cost but there is no sales tax.

If you don't want to use a credit card, you can pay us directly by personal check, cashier's check, or money order for $7.95 (for the download) or $14.95 plus postage (for the CD-ROM). Please, denominated in US dollars, checks and money orders made out to Hidden Knowledge. We'll e-mail the download version of the book directly to you (Include your e-mail address! We'll never spam you!) or snail-mail the CD-ROM to you (write to us so we can figure out postage, and tax if you live in California). Our address:

Hidden Knowledge
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San Jose, CA 95126 USA



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In the Face of Death main page updated 12 July 2005

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